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What's better than Soulfull Tribe's Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix?? Turning it into a giant Lamington cake of course! Featuring a layer of homemade raspberry chia jam and whipped coconut cream... ahhh staaaapp it!! It just keeps getting better and better!


1 x Soulfull Tribe Chocolate Cake Mix
2 x cups of frozen raspberries
¼ cup pure maple syrup
2 tbs water
1 tbs chia seeds
400g tin coconut cream (stored in the fridge overnight)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Desiccated coconut
1 cup of vegan chocolate chips
¼ cup of coconut milk
¼ cup of coconut oil


1. Cook chocolate cake as per mix directions. Cool completely and use a large knife to cut in half. 


2. To make raspberry chia jam, place frozen raspberries in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add water and maple syrup. Boil until raspberries are broken down (approximately 7-10 minutes). Turn heat down and add chia seeds. Stir until well combined and take off heat.

3. To make the chocolate frosting, mix chocolate chips, plant milk and oil in a small saucepan over medium heat until all ingredients are melted and smooth. Place in the fridge to cool for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes until firm enough to spread onto cooled cake. 

4. To make the the whipped coconut cream, take the tin out of the fridge and scoop out the cream from the top of the can, leaving behind the liquid. Use this later in your smoothies! Add the vanilla and whip with beaters for approx 30 - 60 seconds until thickened. You can also add powdered xylitol for sweetness if you like.

5. To assemble the cake, spread jam on bottom layer of cake, followed by the cream. Place the top of the cake back on and spread the chocolate frosting over the top of the cake, allowing some to dribble down the sides if you like. And finally sprinkle over your coconut!

Razzle dazzle my friends <3

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